初心者がまとめるPython Programmingと時々数学

University of California Berkeleyに在籍中。自分用に勉強内容をまとめるブログ。

Linear Congruences

m: integer > 0, a and b: integers, x: variable

ax ≡ b (mod m)

f:id:xUshi:20180930154523p:plainとなるようなf:id:xUshi:20180930154546p:plainをa mod mの逆元(inverse of a modulo m)という。



Find an inverse of 101 modulo 4620.

Use Euclidean algorithm to see if 101 and 4620 are prime (gcd for the numbers = 1).

By Euclidean algorithm, gcd(101, 4620) is

4620 = 45・101 + 75

101 = 1・75 + 26

75 = 2・26 + 23

26 = 1・23 + 3

23 = 7・3 + 2

3 = 1・2 + 1

2 = 2・1

Because the last nonzero remainder is 1, gcd(101, 4620) = 1.

Now find the Bezout coefficients for 101 and 4620 by working backwards.


The Bezout coefficients are -35 and 1601, and 1601 is an inverse of 101 modulo 4620.


What are the solutions of the linear congruence 3x ≡ 4 (mod 7)?

3と7はそれぞれ互いに素なので、gcd(3, 7) = 1. 

3x ≡ 4 (mod 7)より、3x÷7=4になるxは、3・6÷7=4 ∴ x = 6

x = 6 (mod 7), namely, 6, 13, 20, ... and -1, -8, -15, ...


中国剰余定理 The Chinese Remainder Theorem




x ≡ 2 mod 3

x ≡ 4 mod 5


解は0≦ x < 3(5)=15 の間にある。

3X + 5Y = 1を満たすX, Yをユークリッドの互除法で求める。

5 = 1・3 + 2

3 = 1・2 + 1

2 = 2・1

1 = 3 - 1(2)

   = 3 - 1(5 - 1(3)) = -1(5) + 2(3)

∴ X = 2, Y = -1

f:id:xUshi:20180930175200p:plain = (2)(5)(-1) + (4)(3)(2) = 14


 Use the method of back substitution to find all integers x such that x ≡ 1 (mod 5),

x ≡ 2 (mod 6), and x ≡ 3 (mod 7).

Use the theorem "let m be a positive integer. The integers a and b are congruent modulo m if and only if there is an integer k such that a = b + km."

By the theorem, the first congruence can be written as x = 1 + 5t, where t is an integer.

Substituting this expression for x into the second congruence, 1 + 5t ≡ 2 (mod 6).

∴ 5t ≡ 1 (mod 6)

5t (mod 6) ≡ 1 になるのは、5(5t) ≡ 5(1) (mod 6)     (25 mod 6 = 1)

∴ t ≡ 5 (mod 6)

Using the theorem again, t = 5 + 6u, where u is an integer.

Substituting this expression for t back into the equation x = 1 + 5t.

x = 1 + 5t = 1 + 5(5 + 6u) = 26 + 30u.

Insert this equation into the third equation to obtain 26 + 30u ≡ 3 (mod 7).

∴ 30u ≡ -23 (mod 7) ≡  5 (mod 7)

7 = 1(5) + 2

5 = 2(2) + 1

2 = 2(1)

gcd(5, 7) = 1, they are coprime.

1 = 5 - 2(2) = 5 - 2(7 - 1(5)) = -2(7) + 3(5)

3(30u) ≡ 3(5) (mod 7) ≡ 1     ∴ 90u ≡ 1 (mod 7)

6(90u) ≡ 6(1) (mod 7)     ∴ u ≡ 6 (mod 7)

∴ u = 7v + 6, where v is an integer.

Substitutiong this expression into x = 26 + 30u = 210u +206.

∴ x ≡ 206 (mod 210)


フェルマーの小定理 Fermat's Little Theorem



Find f:id:xUshi:20181001090846p:plain.

7 and 11 are coprime ⇨ f:id:xUshi:20181001091503p:plain

So f:id:xUshi:20181001091632p:plain for every positive integer k.

DIvide the exponent 222 by 10, 222 = 22(10) + 2



素数 Pseudoprime

nを合成数、aを整数とする。合同式 f:id:xUshi:20181001101455p:plain が成り立つとき、nは底aに関する素数(psedoprime)であるという。


The integer 341 is a psedoprime to the base 2 because it is composite (341 = 11・31) and f:id:xUshi:20181001101837p:plain.


カーマイケル数 Carmichael Number

nを合成数とする。任意の整数aに対して、gcd(a, n) = 1ならば、合同式f:id:xUshi:20181001101455p:plainが成り立つ。この時のnをcarmichael数という。


The integer 561 is a Carmichael number. To see this, first note that 561 is composite because 561 = 3(11)(17).

Next, note that if gcd(b, 561) = 1, then gcd(b, 3) = gcd(b, 11) = gcd(b, 17) = 1.

Using Fermat's little theorem we find that





が、どんな底でも擬素数であると判定される数が存在する。これをカーマイケル数という。絶対擬素数(absolute psedoprimes)とも呼ばれる。

カーマイケル数は小さい方から561, 1105, 1729, 2465, 2821, ...で無限に存在する。


Primitive Roots and Discrete Logarithms

A primitive root modulo a prime p is an integer r in Zp such that every nonzero element of Zp is a power of r.


Determine whether 2 and 3 are primitive roots modulo 11.